Motto : Go therefore and make disciples of all nations;
Matthew 28 : 19
We, the Charlotte Chin Christian Church’s Purpose and Mission are Teaching the word of God to every single Charlotte Chin Christian Church members’ family, live as one family and share the love of Christ for everyone living in the World.
Make the Disciples, Love one another as Jesus Loves us, send the Missionaries of God to all the Nations. Also, the Charlotte Chin Christian Church is dedicated to :
Make the Disciples, Love one another as Jesus Loves us, send the Missionaries of God to all the Nations. Also, the Charlotte Chin Christian Church is dedicated to :
1. Reaching out to others with the love of Christ;
2. Teaching the Word and Serving in the name of Christ; 3. Growing in Christ; 4. Building and Serving one another; We, the Charlotte Chin |
Christian Church believed that God is our Creator and Savior.